Having something unique to refer to when a loved one has passed can help the pain, just a bit.
Whether it’s a cremation or a local burial in Guam, there are a myriad of remarkable and unique ways in which you can celebrate a loved one's life. Below you will find 5 ways you can remember a loved one's ashes as well as 5 ways in which to commemorate someone after a burial.
Commemorating Ashes
Typically you could keep the ashes in an urn or scatter them somewhere memorable. But here's a couple of unique ideas in which to use the ashes of your loved one:
1. Turn your loved one into a pencil
Say for example, the person you've lost was an avid writer. Well it seems it's not too far fetched to celebrate their life by using their ashes to create a number of pencils. The average body’s carbon content can create between 200 to 250 pencils. Mourners have even sent a few to family and friends to ensure their legacy lives on. Bet you didn't know you could do that huh?
2. Diamonds can be forever
Because our bodies contain a high percentage of carbon content, it is now possible to take ashes and create a wonderful diamond. This can then be cut to any specification and used on a pendant, broach, ring, or any other piece that you would want to see yourself wearing as part of the idea of taking your loved one with you on a daily basis.However, turning ashes into a diamond doesn’t come cheap. Typically you will be looking at paying between $2,500 to $12,000.
3. Turn the ashes into an underwater reef
If you and your loved shared a passion for the open water, what better way to celebrate their life than to turn their ashes into a permanent living legacy under the sea?There are some companies you can find who can mix your loved one’s ashes with specially formulated cement and mold it into a permanent eco-friendly reef, providing a habitat for a myriad of sea life once submerged. You can then head out for a special ceremony to see the eco-reef buried at sea. Pretty cool right?
4. Tattoo them onto your skin
Getting a tattoo in honor of someone who's passed is pretty common. But have you ever heard of incorporating the ashes themselves into the ink of a tattoo? This may be more so for the more courageous individuals out there and it is recommended to always do your homework carefully when selecting a tattoo parlor who'd be willing to help carry out this very unusual procedure.
5. Glass paperweight
If you aren't looking to go the traditional route of having an urn, there are a number of companies out there who can incorporate human ashes into an array of glass objects such as a vase, paperweight, sculpture or perfume bottle. Creating a lasting memory can be made into any object you find to be the most compelling and appealing.
Commemorating Someone After A Burial
1. Turn their favorite piece of clothing into a teddy bear
Hugging a teddy bear may have been a past-time for all growing up and therefore this idea is great if you want a way to hug your loved one with their memory embedded in the teddy bears clothing. Memory bears are designed as keepsakes and are crafted from the material you provide from clothing that belonged to your loved one. As another alternative, the clothing could also be transformed into a cushion cover or a lap quilt, depending how you would best like to keep their memory alive.
2. Frame a cherished garment
If you'd rather not cut the pieces of their garment to make a teddy bear, there is also the idea of framing the garment in whats called a shadow box. Most people have had their favorite jersey from their favorite team put into a shadow box and therefore this would work quite the same with a loved ones favorite piece of garment as a permanent memory of their legacy.
3. Have an annual day of celebration
Cultures from around the world take a day every year to commemorate the people they have lost. In many Latin American countries, such as Mexico, their version of this is called ‘Day of the Dead’ (Día de los Muertos), which is held each year on November 2nd. You may want to create a special day each year where friends and family of the deceased get together to remember their passing. You can play their favorite music, eat their favorite food, reminisce about their life and celebrate the time they were part of your world.
4. Create a quilt from photos
Memory quilts are something that are very popular across the pond in the USA and are growing in popularity all over the world. This is a wonderful way to capture dear memories of a loved one either by using photographs to help create a memory quilt which could potentially be something you might consider constructing yourself. However, it may be wiser to enlist the help of one of many companies out there who can advise on the best way to put the quilt together considering the levels of intricacy and expertise required to create one of these special quilts.
5. Dedicate a memorial bench
A really popular way to commemorate a loved one’s life is with a memorial bench.The bench can be placed in a picturesque spot such as Guam Windward Memorial, or even just in your own garden where you can sit and reminisce about all the wonderful times you had together. There are plenty of companies out there who will put together a memorial bench for you, as we ourselves can customize a granite bench for you and your loved one with the added benefit of engraving. You could also see about having a more cost effective bench featured in a park after given permission by your city council, that will be displayed in a public park for upwards of around 15 years. That way everybody who would like to pay their respects will be able to come down to the park and take 5 minutes out of their hectic schedule to remember the person who played such a big part in their life.
Thanks for reading and hopefully you found some of theideas mentioned useful.If you have any suggestions on ways to commemorate the passing of a loved one, please leave a comment in the box below after logging in. And if you would like any help and support regarding funeral planning, please book an in-person consult here where we can arrange the best time suitable for you to sit down with us and discuss further on what it is you would like more information on.