Your life story is celebrated and memorialized
Guam Windward Memorial is created at a time where our society practices both traditional and modern funeral services and memorialization. In response to this, we will be offering online streaming of funeral services and All Souls Day mass to connect families within and off-island.
We have also created a kiosk within the cemetery where families can key-in the names of their departed to locate their burial site. Our software will also allow families and friends to add information/testimonials and photos on our Online Memorial for everyone who is interred in our cemetery grounds.
With our added Virtual Reality Tour, we bring the cemetery to you! We've developed a highly advanced Virtual Reality Tour that will allow you to take a look a closer look at areas within the cemetery without having to be actually present at the cemetery. We understand that it may be hard than most to get down to our location for a tour, so we made it easier to better accommodate those who aren't able to make it down to meet us. Schedule online and we can meet you!
More on our Technological Services:
Live Streaming
GPS Grave Locator
Online Memorial
Virtual Reality Tour